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Have something to share?

Do you have an article, reflection, piece of poetry, research presentation or paper, homily, speech, or something else you think would benefit others to read or view? If you are a student or faculty member at Holy Apostles and you want to share something and have it posted here on the Holy Apostles College & Seminary Blog please continue reading!

The content of your work should pertain to the mission of Holy Apostles College & Seminary which is “to cultivate lay, consecrated and ordained Catholic leaders for the purpose of evangelization.” Furthermore, it should relate to one or more of the Four Pillars of Formation and one or more of the Twelve Pastoral Competencies which can be found on the “About this Blog” page.

Follow these steps for submitting articles, papers, reflections, etc. 

  1. All submitted material will be reviewed prior to being posted by the Holy Apostles College & Seminary Blog team. 
  2. When submitting something, please indicate whether or not you want your name and/or your year in studies visible on the blog or wish to remain anonymous. 
  3. If you are a seminarian at Holy Apostles and you desire that either your name and/or the name of your religious community or diocese be made visible on the blog, it is your responsibility to first check with your Vocation Director or Religious Superior to see if it is permissible for your name and/or the name of your religious community to be visibly attached to something you wrote which is to publicly posted on the internet. Remember, you can choose to remain completely anonymous if you prefer and only your submitted material will be posted on the blog without your name or the name of your diocese/religious community.
  4. Attach your writing ONLY in Word format. The file type can either be .doc or .docx. 
  5. Submit your material and preferences at the same time in an email to