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Friday, May 2, 2014

Our Priest

Our Priest:
All priest!

We think we understand
Our priest
When we've tamed him
To be only friend
That when to our bosoms we hug our fatal flaws
He would only wink!

But if our priest
Is all priest
Then one day
The hands,
That plunged in the baptismal waters,
That offered us the bread from heaven,
That anointed our heads with oil,
Must wield the two edged sword,
To sever our egos from our precious souls.

And as we writhe,
We must not forget,
Our priest lies under that two-edged sword
of another priest,
To be shorn of his sins.

And so if he is ours,
We need to kiss those hands!

Dr. Ronda Chervin, Professor of Philosophy and Spirituality, Holy Apostles.